Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Low cost foam cannon

I've had some people reach out to me about a picture I posted of my car covered in foam.  I kept seeing a bunch of people trying it, so I did some research to put together a kit of my own.  You'll need a few things:

1.  A pressure washer.  This can be electric or gas powered.
2.  The foam gun
3.  A car wash soap and a way to measure it.  I like the Chemical Guys Mr. Pink
4.  Recommended but not needed -assorted nozzles and fittings.

The above three items, not including the pressure washer, will cost about 50$.  Keep in mind you can save some money by getting a smaller amount of soap.  The link above is for a gallon.

There's a few process points that are going to be helpful.  I"ll list them out below.

To mix the soap in the bottle for the foam gun:
Add your water first.  Then add the soap.  You'll want about 3-4oz of soap.  Then gently swirl the soap in the water to mix.  You don't want foam in the bottle, so this process will help to mix the soap and water without making foam.

Foaming the car:
There's a few debates about this process.  The one thing that is not argued is to rinse the car as best you can first.  You can do this with a hose nozzle, or with the pressure washer gun. You're trying to get the car wet and remove as much of the contaminants as possible. 

I broke down the processes by how soiled the car is.
For dust only / garage kept cars - rinse, foam, let the foam dwell, rinse then try.
For a regular daily driven car - Rinse, Foam, let the foam dwell, then two bucket wash.  Rinse again.
For a heavily soiled car - Rinse, foam, dwell, rinse again, foam again, two bucket wash then flood rinse with a hose.

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